
Nordlo – A digital workplace with heart

02 August, 2024

5 min read

The hybrid workplace comes with several advantages for many. But it has also brought with it the need for new methods to detect ill-health. Nordlo understood early on that the digital workplace meant new challenges regarding employee health and they quickly realised that they needed a tool for measurability. For the group’s offices in Gothenburg and Stockholm, the solution was OneLab.

Nordlo is a comprehensive supplier of IT and experts in digitisation. They are a company that cares about the health of its employees and works to ensure that everyone has an active everyday life. The goal is to benefit both the physical and mental well-being of all employees. The local offices in Gothenburg and Stockholm, with 160 employees, took initiatives during the pandemic to improve employee health in new ways.

Health challenges in a digital world

Like many other companies, during the pandemic, it became more difficult to keep track of how the employees were really feeling when the workplace suddenly became hybrid. Martina Wester, Project Manager, and her colleagues quickly had a gut feeling that the pandemic and the hybrid workplace brought with it challenges regarding employee health. And with remote meetings, it became more difficult for managers and leaders to interpret facial expressions and read the body language of employees.

“We felt that some had heavier periods during covid and perhaps did not look as energetic as usual. We suspected that more people were not feeling so well and therefore wanted to find out how things really were with their health. Getting clear data-driven results would allow us to know what efforts we need to make to improve the well-being of our employees,” says Martina Wester.

Examination of physical and mental health

The Nordlo Group’s offices in Gothenburg and Stockholm needed to get an overall picture of the health of the employees and therefore carried out a health survey with OneLab to examine both the physical and mental health of the employees.

“The results of the health examination gave us a receipt of what it actually looked like, which we could then actively take measures from. Many at the company felt great, but there were more than expected who did not. Being able to offer them the help they need to feel better feels very good,” says Martina Wester.

Nordlo chose to follow up with OneLab’s health program for those individuals who had greater health risks and who needed extra support. For 6 months, they received a personalized health program and access to health counseling with OneLab’s medical team to improve their health and values.

“We don’t know who these individuals are as everything is completely anonymous, but an employee has come to me personally and thanked me for all the help and support he has received with his health. So the outcome was very positive for us. The digital health check gave us tools to really help our employees. Then, of course, it’s always up to the individual if they want that help and make the necessary behavioural changes,” says Martina Wester.

"he digital health check gave us tools to really help our employees"

Martina Wester
Project Manager, Nordlo

Professional guidance makes a difference

In the past, Nordlo has engaged the employees in conversations and activities around health, diet and exercise, but Martina Wester says that it really makes a difference when an outside party comes in to talk about health.

“We often encourage our employees to make healthy choices and create positive habits, but we noticed a clear difference when trained healthcare staff from OneLab came and talked to us about health. There is a weight in hearing things from a medical perspective, which means that we can help more people to really improve their health,” says Martina Wester.

"We often encourage our employees to make healthy choices and create positive habits, but we noticed a clear difference when trained healthcare staff from OneLab came and talked to us about health"

Martina Wester
Project Manager, Nordlo

The effect on the business

During the autumn, a new health survey is planned to follow up on the results and see if the health of the organisation has improved. Martina Wester emphasises the importance of continuing to invest in her employees:

“If there is something we can change, clarify, and work on organisationally to continue developing our company and our employees, then we want to do it. The health examinations with OneLab have given us a confirmation of a gut feeling that could not be pinpointed before. It has given us insights into what we need to focus on and spend more time and resources on,” says Martina Wester.

Quick response, and good support both during and after the health checks are things that Martina Wester highlights as advantages of OneLab, along with the flexibility of OneLab coming out to the workplace to carry out the sampling.

“Previously, when we did health examinations, everyone had to book an appointment themselves, find time for it in the calendar and then take the time to go to a health center. The time-consuming procedure has meant that some have not given priority to it. It makes it easier when you can instead take the samples on-site at work and it only takes a quarter of an hour. The fact that you can then easily and digitally access your results, tips, recommendations, and self-help programs in the health platform provides good tools for everyone to improve their health over time,” says Martina Wester.

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