
How the web agency creates a safe and attractive workplace

01 August, 2024

5 min read

With the goal of being the best workplace in the industry, the web agency Triggerfish has a strong focus on employees and their well-being. “Our management that understands that it is the employees who create our excellence and what we deliver to our customers. This means that all employees are highly valued and that there is a strong sensitivity to the importance of working proactively to prevent ill health and to find ways to catch individuals if they are not feeling well,” says Nathalie Spennare, HR generalist at Triggerfish.

Triggerfish is a web agency that develops and runs web projects for its clients. In recent years, the company has had strong growth and they have gone from having around 20 employees to around 40 today.

As the company has grown, there has been a great focus on not losing important parts along the way. When the number of employees increased, a structure was set up early on to be able to systematically capture the mood of the employees. Among other things, by setting up a structure for employee pulses, employee interviews, frequent check-ins and, most recently, also health examinations.

“When there were not so many of us, it was easier to catch employees at the coffee machine. But as soon as there are more people, a clear structure is needed to make employees feel seen and cared for, and that they feel that there is room to express their opinions about their working day and raise any problems. For us, it will continue to be important now that, since October 2022, we are part of the agency network iO”, says Nathalie Spennare.

"When there were not so many of us, it was easier to catch employees at the coffee machine. But as soon as there are more people, a clear structure is needed to make employees feel seen and cared for, and that they feel that there is room to express their opinions about their working day and raise any problems"

Nathalie Spennare
HR generalist, Triggerfish

Health examination for all employees

In June 2022, Triggerfish offered all employees to complete a health examination with OneLab, including a digital health check where you can assess your own health with a medically validated battery of questions. Nathalie liked that OneLab’s nurses came out to the office to carry out the medical sampling and says:

“Since we are now a hybrid workplace, plus we have an office in Norrköping, it is not very easy to find a day when all employees are in the office. Therefore, we very much appreciated the flexibility that OneLab’s nurses came to us to perform the sampling and that those who could not attend had a home kit sent to them.”

Good progress in health work with data-driven insights

The results of the health survey and the digital health check gave the management at Triggerfish an anonymised overview of the health of the organisation. Based on the data-driven insights that emerged, they received recommendations on measures and initiatives that can lead to increased health in the organisation.

“We got a good boost in our health work with the help of OneLab. We can now match our activities in a better way with things that we have noticed that there is a need for,” says Nathalie and continues:

“For us, the health and well-being of our employees has always been natural to work with preventively, it is in our culture. But it is not until now, when OneLab came into the picture, that we actually have a measurable result about the health of the organisation. To receive confirmation that we feel quite well is wonderful to see, and that the individuals with discovered health risks have received the help they need to feel better feels very good.”

"We got a good boost in our health work with the help of OneLab. We can now match our activities in a better way with things that we have noticed that there is a need for"

Nathalie Spennare
HR generalist, Triggerfish

Physical activity as a way to socialise

In addition to guidelines around continuous employee discussions, clear individual goals and a present leadership, joint training activities have always been a natural element at Triggerfish. During the pandemic, health initiatives were taken to a new level when they were systematised and intensified as it became a way to socialise, even if it was digital, when they could no longer see each other in the office.

After the pandemic, however, Nathalie felt that it became more difficult to get the same number of people involved in the joint training activities as social interaction happened in the office. However, by creating focus months with different themes, based on the insights that emerged in the health mapping with OneLab, Nathalie has succeeded in increasing the participation rate in the activities again.

“Now in November, we have the theme of mindfulness and stress management, which is a direct effect of the insights we gained from doing the health mapping with OneLab,” says Nathalie Spennare.

Among other things, they have tried yoga nidra sessions, a relaxation method that does not require changing or any tools, and have advised the employees about the self-help material on mindfulness that is available in OneLab’s health platform.

“We will continue to work preventively with health and we also see it as a way to strengthen our culture. Our employees are the most important thing we have and without them we are nothing. Therefore, it is obvious to us that we do what we can to make them feel good”, concludes Nathalie Spennare.

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