Health programs have become a strategic and essential part of corporate wellness efforts. They go beyond identifying health risks through health screenings; they aim to create lasting changes that lead to healthier and more engaged employees. A well-designed health program provides a comprehensive solution that focuses on individual health, well-being, and work capacity.
Evidence-based methods for sustainable change
A health program builds on the insights gained from health screenings and focuses on giving employees the support they need to make lifestyle changes. For many, altering habits can feel like a significant challenge, but research shows that regular support and professional follow-up dramatically increase success rates. Companies that invest in health programs for their employees not only benefit from healthier and more motivated staff but also enjoy a more productive and engaged workforce.
A prime example of how follow-ups and counseling can make a difference is the Västerbotten Intervention Program. This initiative has demonstrated significant long-term health benefits by identifying risk factors early and providing ongoing follow-up and support through advisory sessions. It is precisely this type of long-term, personalized follow-up that has proven essential for achieving sustainable changes. By ensuring employees receive the right support at the right time, companies can create sustainable solutions that promote health and reduce absenteeism.
Benefits for employers – long-term gains with health programs
Health programs are more than a series of initiatives—they represent a comprehensive solution that delivers long-term health benefits for both employees and employers. For businesses, it is evident that investing in health programs yields lasting advantages. Health programs reduce absenteeism, increase employee engagement, and improve the overall work environment.
By proactively addressing health and well-being, companies can minimize the risk of extended sick leave and the need for extensive rehabilitation efforts. Employees who feel their health is prioritized and receive the right support—both individually and through structured health programs—are more likely to thrive at work and contribute to the company’s success.
Ana Serrano
Reg. psychologist