
Bankgirot took their health management work to new levels

02 August, 2024

3 min read

For Bankgirot, health is an important and natural part of the corporate culture. In its work around work environment and health, there are now company-wide goals to achieve good physical and mental health for all employees by helping their employees to create long-term sustainable habits.

Sanne Oldbro, HR specialist and health manager at Bankgirot, describes that in recent years there has been a change regarding health at the company.

“The reason why today we work so actively with sustainable health for our employees is because of a journey of change that was initiated in 2017. By doing a digital health check with OneLab, we got a base measurement of what both physical and mental health looked like and we gained valuable insights about what we needed to improve and work on further. We were able to set up a strategy and several health goals in our quest to achieve better health in the organisation. This has meant that our health management is now on a completely different level”, says Sanne Oldbro.

Creating an attractive workplace

Previously, the health work at Bankgirot mostly consisted of offering wellness checks, access to a gym, and joint floorball practice – activities and benefits that are often used by those who are already training and are active. For Bankgirot, it was a challenge to find a way to also include people who, for example, had difficulty getting started with physical activity or needed other lifestyle changes. “As an employee, getting to know how you are doing with your health creates opportunities for reflection and a chance to know what lifestyle changes you need to make to improve your health”, says Sanne Oldbro.

Today, Bankgirot works in various ways to encourage and inspire all employees to make healthy choices. By creating a commitment in management, they want all leaders to show the way and lead by example and encourage employees to find activities that suit them. “Health should be a natural part of everyday life and we want our entire work culture to promote physical, mental and social well-being. This not only benefits the individual, but also Bankgirot as a company. We want our employees to want to stay with us and feel good on all levels. We are convinced that this also attracts new employees and leaves an impression on our employer branding”, says Sanne Oldbro.

"As an employee, getting to know how you are doing with your health creates opportunities for reflection and a chance to know what lifestyle changes you need to make to improve your health"

Sanne Oldbro
HR specialist, Bankgirot

Awarded healthiest company in the industry

The extensive changes and initiatives that Bankgirot has made to prevent ill health in the workplace have yielded good results. For the third year in a row, Bankgirot has been named Sweden’s healthiest company in Finance and Insurance. For Bankgirot, it is proof that their investment in health really works and contributes to more well-being of employees. “We are of course incredibly proud that we are once again receiving this award! Not least because the pandemic has meant a great strain, both for society and our employees, in recent years. The award shows that our long-term work with health has produced lasting results”, Sanne Oldbro concludes.

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