
At Sala Sparbank, the employees stay longer

01 August, 2024

4 min read

With a vision of being the obvious choice into the future, employee health is an important and obvious thing for Sala Sparbank to continuously work on. “Many employees stay with us for a long time, which we see as proof that people enjoy and feel good at work,” says Annika Nelson Berg, Sustainability Coordinator at Sala Sparbank.

Twice a year, in connection with a regular employee survey, the bank conducts a digital health check where the 75 employees get to answer a medically validated battery of questions about their physical and mental health.

“The digital health check from OneLab gives us a deeper understanding of the health of our employees. We get clear insights into which areas we need to focus on to increase the health of the organisation,” says Viktoria Rosén, HR Manager.

Just as we see in society at large, the latest survey at Sala Sparbank showed that stress, exhaustion, anxiety, and worry are the bank’s biggest challenges. The troubled world we live in now with increased costs for households due to rising inflation, increased electricity and fuel prices, and interest rate increases not only affects the bank’s employees privately but also means an increased workload.

In addition, the bank is in the middle of a reorganisation that involves a lot of changes.

“Even if there are positive changes, which we know will get better over time, changes can mean that employees feel insecure, which can express itself in stress and anxiety. And we want to capture that immediately, which we do with the digital health check,” says Viktoria.

"The digital health check from OneLab gives us a deeper understanding of the health of our employees. We get clear insights into which areas we need to focus on to increase the health of the organisation”

Viktoria Rosén
HR Manager, Sala Sparbank

Higher participation rate with OneLab

Every two years, a physical health examination is also carried out, where a nurse comes to the bank’s office to take blood samples and check blood pressure. This is something that the bank has offered its employees for many years.

“With OneLab, we got a higher participation rate in the health examinations than we had before. The fact that a nurse comes out to our offices, instead of having to go to a health center yourself, makes the whole process very efficient and that more people then choose to participate, which was one of my goals when we started working with OneLab,” says Victoria.

A clear overview

As HR manager, Viktoria logs into the health platform to get an overview of the health in the organisation and see how it develops over time. In the platform, she sees in which areas their strengths and challenges lie, and where there is the greatest need for change.

An overall result from the health surveys is presented partly to the management team and partly to the entire organisation. All managers are assigned to work in different ways with current issues in each work group to follow up the results.

During the year, in addition to ongoing dialogue in each work group, they have followed the recommendations from OneLab and had training in preventive stress management, feedback culture and abusive discrimination. The goal has been to gain more knowledge and familiarity so that both employees and managers can learn to manage and prevent stress.

“The fact that the employees themselves can log in and follow their own results is very valuable. It’s easy to think that your mental health doesn’t change that much, but by doing the digital health check you have the opportunity to reflect on how you actually feel, which is very useful to do from time to time”.

"By doing the digital health check you have the opportunity to reflect on how you actually feel, which is very useful to do from time to time"

Viktoria Rosén
HR Manager, Sala Sparbank

A cost-effective solution

Viktoria highlights that the biggest advantage of using OneLab is that it is a cost-effective way to work proactively with health and focus on the activities that are needed most, and that they are able to reach so many people in the company.

“These are the questions I’m passionate about. Being able to work with developing employees and managers and ensuring that they are well is the reason why I work as an HR manager. OneLab is a great tool for me in my everyday life”, concludes Viktoria.

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